Thursday, March 13, 2025
Visa Affairs
During your stay in Iran as a SKUMS' international student, you may want to plan trips for which you will need different types of visas. Below, you can find detailed instructions on acquiring the kind of visa suitable for your particular purpose.
Guideline on Acquiring a One-Year Residency Permit for SKUMS Students:
To facilitate administrative affairs and observe consular regulations, as well as to save your time, it is imperative to proceed with permission after arrival and registration at SKUMS:
1) You must proceed with acquiring your permission during the first week after your arrival.
2) Two working days after registration at SKUMS of International Office, refer to the expert of the International Affairs Department at the address below:
Office Address: International Affairs Department, Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, Kashani Blvd, Shahrekord, Iran. Tel: (+98 38) 33330064 or (+98 38) 33330061
3) Then, you will be accompanied by Immigration Police at the address below;
Address: Immigration Police, Keshavarz Blvd, Azadi Blvd, Shohada Square, Shahrekord, Iran.
4) Upon submitting your letter and the required documents (see below) to the relevant office of the Police, you will receive a receipt which should be kept with you during the time that you do not have your Passport with you. You can receive your Passport after one month upon submitting your receipt and a completed form.
5) Required documents are as follows:
a. Original Passport
b. Four 3*4 pictures
c. Three copies of your Passport's information page
d. Two copies of your visa
e. Completed residency form (available at SKUMS Directorate of International Affairs and Development)
Guideline on Acquiring Exit and Re-Entry Permission:
1) Refer to the International Affairs Department's Office to receive the Exit and Re-Entry Form at least three weeks before your departure from Iran.
2) It is the student's responsibility to confirm his/her status concerning having permission to exit the country. Students are advised to discuss issues such as mid-term holidays and other similar matters with the Office of Deputy for Education officers and the International Affairs Department to gather the necessary information about their situation.
3) Once the completed form has been signed and stamped by the International Affairs Department, refer to Immigration Police.
Address: Immigration Police, Keshavarz Blvd, Azadi Blvd, Shohada Square, Shahrekord, Iran.
You will need a copy of your Passport's personal information page and a visa copy.
4) The required letter will be prepared after submitting your documents to the Immigration Police.
5) You can refer to the same office after ten working days to receive your Passport, which will carry the Exit and Re-Entry Stamp.
Please observe the following points:
1) Note and allow the necessary amount of time to acquire exit permission when reserving or purchasing your travel tickets.
2) Students whose passports are near their expiration date need to renew their passports via their country's embassy in Tehran and obtain the exit stamp with their already expired Passport.
3) In case you proceed with renewing your Passport in your country of citizenship during your trip, you must have your old Passport, containing previous residency stamps and student visa, to be able to return to Iran. 
4) The validity period of your exit visa is one month.
5) The length of your stay outside Iran using this permission is only three months. Students need to return to Iran before the expiration of this period. If one's stay exceeds this amount of time, the student must refer to Iran's embassy in his/her country and repeat the process of acquiring a tourist visa.
6) You need an Iranian police license to drive in Iran.
Guideline on Acquiring Permanent Exit Permission:
To facilitate administrative affairs and observe consular regulations, as well as to save your time, students who have graduated need to observe the following points:
1) Upon finishing their studies, students who intend to permanently exit Iran need to receive the financial settlement form the
Educational Deputy.
2) This form must be signed and stamped by the International Affairs Department's Office and Deputy for Education after being filled out by the student.
3) To acquire your Permanent Exit Letter, refer to the SKUMS International Affairs Department.
4) You must take your Passport and the letter from Vice-Chancellor for Education with you.
5) After submitting your documents to the SKUMS International Affairs Department, your Permanent Exit Letter will be prepared.
6) You can refer to the same office after one week to receive your Passport, which will carry the Permanent Exit Stamp.
Postal Address: Deputy of Research and Technology, Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, Kashani Blvd., Shahrekord, Iran
Tel: +98-38-33349509
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